About Zev

Zev has been a visionary his entire life. Growing up in the Hollywood Hills, as a boy, he experienced the grinding congestion of Los Angeles highways. Seeking solutions, he envisioned a future where people got around cities via well-coordinated multimodal transportation systems with public trains and buses at the center, supported by bike lanes and pedestrian walkways — and little need for polluting cars.  In college, he wrote a screenplay called Gridlock (before the word became popular) set in a positive future. Building upon this initial vision, Zev is writing a series of protopian novels representing a future that gets better every day!

He brings to his stories his educational background in evolutionary biology and environmental urban planning, plus 40 years as a sustainability consultant. Zev is an engaging story teller who weaves practical sustainable solutions into his mystery novels. He believes if people can see a realistic word that works better than today, these sustainable solutions can spark the imaginations of others and help move us all in a positive direction. Catapult is the first book now available in the “From Here to There” series.

It is not enough to have a vision. Without a plausible bridge, a strategy to get there, few people will leave the familiar for the sake of what could be.

- Zev Paiss